Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Sorry I am not in today, feeling a little under the weather. 

Anyway, you are to continue on with your database exercises.  The next 5 (maybe 6) exercises are simple and very well explained in the database book.  Do you remember those database planning sheets we filled out in the beginning of this unit?  Well, you are to find those (in the white bucket or on the table) and finish the remaining columns.  You are all very smart children and you have entered enough database fields into Access that you will understand how to complete these exercises. 

Just please do exactly what is asked of you from the booklet and we won't have any issues.  Do it wrong, and I will delete EVERYTHING you have done so far and make you redo it.  THAT IS HOW EASY THIS ASSIGNMENT SHOULD BE. 

You have the hour to complete the exercises (all of the sheets should be completed).  I will see you tomorrow.  :)

Teacher: Please take attendance in my blue binder and online.  Thank you.  No games unless they are DONE and no Facebook EVER.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Hey IPR 10

I am not in today, but you knew that.  You also know what you are doing today:

30 min of all the right type.  (Mrs. Huxley, please record their typing speeds on a piece of paper, I will enter them later)

30 min of CBC or ONLINE EDUCATIONAL GAMES.  And you have to prove the education!  (Mrs, Huxley, I will leave that decision up to you!)

Thanks guys, I will see you tomorrow. 

Mrs. Huxley: please do my attendance in the blue binder and online.  Thanks!